Large selection, quick delivery of deck boards and deck related products

Under Deck Drainage & Ceiling Systems

We offer and stock several brands of under deck water diversion systems and "ceilings" for the underside of your second story deck.

Each system offers easy installation and provides a dry sitting area under your deck. Come see the full size displays in our showroom.

TimberTech Azek Logo -  Dry Space

timbertech dry space

TimberTech Dry Space

Designed with second-story decks in mind, DrySpace collects and channels moisture from the spaces between boards with a hidden under-deck drainage system.

More on Dry Space

TREX RainEscapes

Trex Deck Drainage

Trex RainEscapes

Double your outdoor living space with an under-deck drainage system. The trough and downspout design drains water away from your deck, allowing you to create a dry patio or storage area on the ground level below.

More on RainEscapes

Under Deck Oasis

Under Deck Oasis

Under Deck Oasis

Under Deck Oasis is an all-aluminum system that captures the excess water from your second story deck using our specially designed ceiling panels. The panels allow the water to flow into a rain gutter and away from the house, keeping the space beneath your deck dry and usable. The system has been tested up to 15” of water per hour!

More on Oasis

Zipup Logo - under deck and ceiling



ZipUP UnderDeck® polishes the underside of your deck providing a dry, usable, outdoor living space. ZipUP Ceiling® works great for exterior uses such as commercial ceilings, walkways, and soffit systems.

ZipUp Underdeck