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WindsorONE Moulding Options

More Trim & Moulding Options


Greek Revival Moulding

c.1820 - 1840. Based on the ellipse rather than the circle, this style was founded on the principles of classic Greek architecture. This style flourished as American builders, fueled by patriotism, moved away from more traditional English styles.

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WindsorONE should be stored, installed, handled & maintained correctly for the best performance. For complete installation guidelines & the WindsorONE Protected warranty.


WindsorONE colonial crown moulding

Crown 1
WOCM001, 3/4" x 3-19/32"

WindsorONE colonial crown moulding

Crown 2
WOCM002, 3/4” x 4-5/16"

WindsorONE Colonial Soffit/Trim Board

Soffit/Trim Board
1x6 S4SSE, 3/4” x 5-1/2"

WindsorONE wood colonial crown 3 moulding

Crown 3
WOCM003, 1-5/8" x 4"

WindsorONE colonial backband

WOBB001, 7/8" x 1-3/4"

WindsorONE eolonial wod casing

WOCS001, 3/4" x 5-1/2"

WindsorONE colonial chair rail

Chair Rail
WOCH001, 1-5/8" x 2-1/4"

WindsorONE colonial Base Moulding

Base Moulding
WOBM001, 1-3/16" x 7-1/4"

Extra information

link to Detailed dimensioned drawings of Classical Colonial profiles.
An overview and detail images of Greek Revival Moldings.
An overview Greek Revival, Symmetry and Balance
link to WindsorONE Mouldings side by side comparison document
link to WindsorONE 2021 catalog
link to WindsorONE Protected 30 year Warranty